Sunday, February 20, 2011

Lots and Lots of Updates!

I've only missed one day of blogging and I already have tons of things to write about!

Okay so outcome of Weigh In #2?

<Drum roll>

Absolutely no change. I haven't lost a dadgummed pound. But it's okay. It's better than gaining, right? I will simply take that as more motivation. I need to up my game! I'm ready to bring it!!!

Weekly Fails:
- Lena's cake pops. All three of them. Totally worth it.
- My binge fest the other day on five pounds of rice.
- Over-sampling at the Bridal Expo today (Details to follow)

Honestly, besides that, I can't think of any major failures.... Maybe not exercising everyday? I probably am being way too lenient on myself. I really need to throw in some more daily activity. That'll be my goal for this week. I only exercised three days this past week so I'm going to aim for five. Done.

Alright now let's get to the fun part.

So Lena and I attended the Delaware Upstate Bridal show (My first bridal expo) and it was SO MUCH FUN! I LOVED IT! I'm going to be a total Expo crasher now (Lena and I are already planning on attending another one in Dover in March). It was everything I asked for!

The expo included the following:
- Free food: I'm talking cakes, chocolate covered strawberries, cheesesteaks, crabcakes, scallops, cupcakes, sushi, gelato, candy, pasta, beer. Uh. Mayzing.
- Free stuff/service: magazines, lotions, hair conditioners, pens, photobooth printouts, manicures (on one finger), massages, make-overs, hairstylings.
- Bridal Fashion Show: I wasn't really blown away by any of the dresses but it was entertaining and some of the audience members were getting pretty touchy-feely with the male runway models. Let's just say that single dollar bill transactions did occur. Yes. This show was for mature audiences only.
- At-the-door-prizes: BOTH Lena and I won something! Lena won a free photo montage (where the photographer compiles a slideshow of the bride and groom's pictures from childhood to present time) and I won a free 20x24 photo! Woo hoo! I wouldn't have minded winning the free Apple Vacation Package but I was satisfied with just getting my name called. :)

Pictures from the show:

The Bridal Fashion Show

This one has pockets!

Bridesmaid dress.

Lots of chiffon.

One of my faves.

Photobooth fun. I'm definitely having one of these at my wedding.

Just some of the things from the expo.

My single-fingered manicure.

Pretty cool. It was like wallpaper for your nails. Nailpaper.

After the show, Lena and I headed for my Wedding Dress Try-on session 3 at David's Bridal to scope out the Vera Wang collection.

Love. Love. Love.

For any bride out there looking for a high-fashion, high quality dress for a tight budget, the White Collection is the way to go. It's totally legit Vera Wang. I tried on three dresses total: the first was Oleg Cassini and the last two were Vera. The Cassini was okay but honestly, I was just there for the Veras. And they were Uh. Mayzing.

The first one was totally me. I died. I absolutely died. And then I tried the second Vera. I redied. They were totally different dresses and I loved both for different reasons. I told the staff (Who were fantabulous by the way, thank you Tricia and Gay Bob!) that I'd have to return with my mother who will be a major deciding factor. I love dress try-ons.

For your viewing pleasure, I am including a couple of pictures of my dressing room shananigans.

This dress was SO BIG I could sit on it! I was sitting on a dress cloud. :)  

So much material! Believe it or not, there is a bridal consultant hiding underneath all that tulle. :)
What a great weekend! Can't wait for the next Bridal expo!


  1. Wedding fairs are so much fun! Especially the free food.

    After about 2 weeks of having a gazillion flyers and brochures for things we weren't going to need I chucked the whole lot out.

    It's probably funner to go to wedding fairs before you've booked all your major things, otherwise it's easy to end up feeling like a fraud.

  2. I totally agree. I felt slightly guilty pretending to be interested in certain venues and such in order to get the free goodies but I couldn't resist the pink penne pasta they were serving! :)

    My enthusiasm for wedding shows will probably fizzle out eventually... but not until I try the chocolate fountain at this next event!
