Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Dreaded Weigh In #1

It's been exactly two weeks since my last weigh in and.....

I've lost FIVE POUNDS!!!!

Okay. I know that 5 pounds can be due to anything: fluids, bowel movements, menstrual cycle, etc. I could easily gain all this back in a couple of days. But honestly, when I decided to step on the scale this morning, I only had one goal in mind: Please do not tell me that I had gained any weight...

SUCCESS! More than success! I think I am going to have weekly weigh ins on Sundays and my goal for next Sunday will be to lose 1 to 2 pounds. I think once I have established the 10 pound weight loss mark, it's safe to say that I am actually losing REAL weight.

So what have I been doing to bring about this change? Definitely eating less crap and attending those kickboxing classes with Katie in addition to my ellipticalling (I love ellipticalling to Jersey Shore).

Things I did wrong during the last two weeks that I will improve on:
- Splitting nachos and cheese with my cousin last night during our movie date (Justin Bieber's "Never Say Never" is SO life-changing. Lol. Go Canada!)
- Going to Old Country Buffet: A semi-sucess. (I forced myself to have two plates of salad before anything else so I ended up only indulging in a small plate of rice, grilled chicken, and jalapeno cornbread. *Golf claps*)
- Going to a Korean Restaurant: Total fail. I scarfed down on spicy rice cakes, dumplings, tofu stew with MORE white rice, and vermicelli noodles. Womp womp wommmmpppp.

I'm feeling pretty motivated and although I don't really SEE the weight loss effects yet, I know I'm on the right track.



  1. Yay you can do it!!! James and the bro are starting a diet tomorrow and I plan to join in.. when I'm at home. Hopefully I can not be that fat picture ruiner on the big day. Go go!

  2. YAY FOR FAMILY DIETS! I'm gonna get my mom and dad to join so the whole fam is in on it! We'll be the fittest family ever! :)

    P.S. When are you coming for a visit? I could use your eye/criticisms/blatant insults when I'm trying on dresses!
