Friday, February 18, 2011


Major carb relapse! Just binged hardcore on rice and spicy tofu stew! FOUR WHOLE BOWLS OF IT!

Time for elliptical punishment. :(


Okay so I ellipticalled my ass off and I feel a tad bit better. I shouldn't be too hard on myself especially since I've been doing so well but it just sucks when you've had a healthy turkey sandwich for lunch and then you ruin it with a gallon of rice at dinner. I'll just have to add that fail to the weekly fail list.

In wedding news:

I will be attending the Delaware Upstate Bridal Show on Sunday with Lena and then heading for dress try-on session 3 afterwards. These sessions really keep me motivated! Along with Katie as my weekly gym motivator, I'll be Kleinfeld-ready in no time! :)

Kleinfeld Update: I still haven't heard any word regarding my application to be on "Say Yes to The Dress." And I used every card under the sun: ethnic diversity, conservative vs free-spirited, religious conflicts, long distance relationship, charity promotion, etc.  Geez, what's it gonna take to get me my close-up? 


  1. I'm fully aware this is unsolicited thus not necessarily helpful but I struggled with low carb stuff for years... Until I discovered Slimming World.

    I lost 16lbs over the course of two months. At times frustratingly slow but effective. I fell off the wagon a few weeks ago (back on it today) and I was really surprised that I've only gained 4lbs.

    (I still love your blog and your writing style)

  2. Thanks for the tip Rhiannon! There aren't any slimming world sessions where I am but I'm definitely going to look into the online programs! :)

  3. Hahah.. I didn't know you applied for that. Well, good luck with all that! And dang, Gina. 4 bowls? It's good that you have your elliptical machine. I just sit in my room and wallow in self pity. :( With all the working out and dieting, you'll be fine though. Do not worry!

  4. Thanks Estar! You could come up here and we could always wallow together! I happen to be a professional wallower at times. :)
