My pronunciation: co-WITCHin
Correct pronunciation: COW-itchin
Anyways I finally got one and completed my Canadian transformation:
Not an original but a good stepping stone for a newbie like myself. |
Thank you Roots.
So today Brian and I are heading out to see two more venues. The first place is called the
UBC Boathouse and the other is the 34th floor of the Vancouver Hyatt Regency downtown.
Yesterday we viewed the inside of the Cecil Green House and it was beautiful.
Pickity pics:
The main hallway. |
The dance room. |
Upstairs. Which we have no access to. :( |
The dining room. |
The conservatory. |
The only downside to this really is the fact that we have to use their caterer which isn't a problem unless.... their caterer sucks. I was hoping to incorporate an Asian fusion dinner menu but I'll have to discuss our options with the Wescadia company during our tasting.
Awesome news: Instead of hockey tickets, Brian's landlord, Regina, suggested that we go see the Cavalia show that's in town. It is directed by the same guy who did Cirque du Soleil and Regina had seen the show a few years back and said that it was spectacular. I'm super stoked. The hockey game would've been nice but Regina stressed that this show is only in town for a few weeks, plus it was cheaper. So Cavalia it is!
PLUS and most importantly, Nicole Richie approves:
Two thumbs up from Nic. |
I have to admit, I'm in quite the mood for a circus act after reading
Water for Elephants. Just hoping that it doesn't smell like horse manure in the theater....
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