Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Countdown Begins To our Trial Move-in!

It's official. Only 20 days left before I fly to Vancouver and Brian and I embark on our six week trial move-in.

To be perfectly honest, it shouldn't even be counted as a full six weeks since my mother will be out with us for one week and Jennie and Dan will be joining us for a week as well in addition to our time spent with Brian's family at Tie Lake. But we'll take whatever we can get.

I call it our "trial move-in" not because it will ultimately determine any sort of decision but because it will be the longest duration that we will have actually physically spent with each other and it will be a tentative indicator of how life really is with each other outside of the vacation times and Skype sessions.

I know that this may be shocking for most especially since Brian and I are already engaged and have committed the rest of our lives to each other but I've come to accept that life works in mysterious and unconventional ways. You may label us as being naive love-struck kids that are just trying to play house but I can't change the fact that Brian and I are in two different countries. Um yeah. It sucks that the man I love is a million miles away. It sucks that I only see him every other month. It sucks having to explain to people that I'm transcontinentally engaged. And it sucks when I get the raised eyebrows when I explain that I'm moving out there to marry him and be with him after approximately 2 years of dating (Most of which was over skype sessions). But I've learned to accept that people are going to have opinions no matter what the circumstances are. It's not my duty to convince people that yes, I actually have a stable committed relationship with a Canadian on the other side of the country. I love Brian and I'm following my heart. So go ahead and label me under the applicable "reckless young love" categories. We all got one life to live folks and I'm gonna live mine to the fullest, including chasing my hot studly stud of a man to the other side of continent! :)

I'm not saying that we have the perfect relationship; we have the same disagreements that every other couple has and I know that when I finally move out there in approximately nine months (Eeek!) I can expect that there are going to be lots of adjustments and just having to deal with the general pains and labors of getting used to being around someone so much. For myself, I am going to keep an open mind, maintain as much positivity as possible, and most importantly, remember how amazing my fiance is and how lucky of a girl I am to have someone like him in my life. It's all about the love people, all about the love.

I'm making it sound like us moving in together will be nothing but a period of turbulence and disagreements but really, who knows? It might be the greatest thing to have ever happened to me, especially considering the fact that Brian cooks and cleans so well (Tee hee!). I'd have clean clothes and delicious home-cooked meals on the regular. Considering the facts, I might turn out to be one happy geisha.

Okay so here's what the monthly sched looks like so far: It's another busy one!

- This weekend: It's "Our Country Kicked Your King's Ass" weekend here in the states so I'll be attending BBQs left and right! Bring on the grilled hotdogs, potato sack races, and horseshoe tosses!
- Next week: Another round of clinicals, school stuff and then off to a Girls' Weekend at the beach! My bridesmaid Jenn has a beachhouse down near Rehoboth and there will be approximately.... 7 of us? Looking forward to lots of laughter and all-night gossip seshes! It'll be our last summer hurrah before I ship out! :(
- The week of the 11th will be slightly stressful considering I'll be studying for final exams and writing papers and packing for six weeks worth. That Friday I'll hopefully be attending my first ever Polo Game! I'm earning my Yuppie Badge! Woo hoo!
- The week of the 18th: Final exam and fly out to be with my love! :)

Much to look forward to! It's gonna be a summer for the books!


  1. I think it sounds wonderful and exciting! I'm sure you two will be fine. Your summer sounds super hectic but super fun. I hope you have a great trip! :)

  2. All couples have disagreements, no matter if you're close or far! You just need to learn how to deal with each other on your not so great days.

    And you know what? I didn't really learn how to cook or clean properly until after I got married. You'll get there too! It's about compromise and learning - very exciting times ahead! I used to HATE cooking but you just start learning 4 or 5 dishes and you quickly learn that cooking is all about experimentation! It's fun and I love it now.

    When I come visit we can take cooking classes :)

  3. ps. James and I were apart for the entire two years prior to getting married. Yes, we'd been together for 10 years, but those two years apart were a struggle. Long distance is tough. If you can make it through a LD relationship, you can do anything! xx

  4. Thanks for the support ladies! I know we'll be fine... it's just annoying to get the "Oh you guys are in a long-distance relationship" type of look from everyone.... But I totally agree -- it's super tough!

    @Estar: I'll be coming to visit you soon! Keep on the lookout! :)

    @Heather: I would LOVE to take some cooking classes! I've been trying to get Brian to sign us up for some couple's cooking classes but to no avail. I'll totally take you up on your offer! :)

  5. Of all the people I know and all the relationship stories I've heard, yours actually sound pretty normal. Who cares what other people think, it's not their lives to live.
    And who says only wives can cook and clean, it's the modern world, a domestic husband is sexy. That's real love right there. You lucky 38. hahaha <3

  6. Don't worry! Sam and I dated long-distance... Europe-States for over a year! I moved over here and moved in with him without ever being in a 'normal' relationship. Most people thought I was mad. Three years later we are happier than ever! Veronica xx

  7. Thanks for the words of encouragement! It's great to hear that there are successful long-distance relationships out there! I'm not gonna lie, it was pretty tough! Glad the separation is close to coming to an end. Homestretch now! :)
