Sunday, June 26, 2011

A Birthday Post for Anneliese

I have mentioned my friend Anneliese in a few of my posts. She is a girl that I have gotten to know very well in the accelerated program and her family has pretty much adopted me into their clan.

It's funny. In the beginning of the semester we had a brief conversation in the hallway as we were waiting for nametags or paperwork and I had decided that I disliked this girl. She said that she was from upstate New York and had studied to go to PA school. I thought she was stuck up and snotty and I did not want anything to do with her. I told my circle of friends that Anneliese was going on our "X-list" and she was permanantly shunned.

In the following winter semester, Annie must have overheard me saying that I really enjoyed playing tennis and that I wished I had a tennis partner to play with on the regular. She said that she was looking for someone to play tennis with as well. I really wanted to tell her to piss off and go find a New Yorker to play with. Then I realized that I'm from New York as well. So I grudgingly obliged whilst secretly being stoked about the idea of playing tennis again. Lo and behold, Annie called me later that week for a tennis sesh and that sparked the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

Annie and her family have been so generous and welcoming and I kid you not, I spend probably 4 days out of the week at Annie's either just hanging out, or eating their delicious meals (They always set an extra "Gina-friendly" plate for me since I'm such a picky eater). When they heard Brian was coming in to town, it was Annie who decided to set up a welcoming dinner and Robert (Annie's cousin) arranged a night of festivities in Brian's honor. They loved him as one of their own and sent him back home with a 4 pack of their finest Massachusettes beer which Brian is now obsessed with.  Annie's clan, without a doubt, is one of the most wonderful people I have ever met and they have already stated how they would like nothing less but to be able to be there for our wedding day. The Provost Clan is coming to Vancouver! :)

This pretty much sums up last night.


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