Tuesday, August 23, 2011

10 Things You May Not Know About Me and Brian

10 Things You May Not Know About Gina:

1. My given name is Regina.
2. I can twist my arm 360 degrees.
3. When I was in 5th grade, we had to write a paper on what we wanted to be when we grew up and I wrote that I wanted to be President of the United States. I read it aloud in front my class and I remember this girl named Britney Boxx laughed at me. Now she's fat and bipolar.
4. I do not ride wooden roller coasters.
5. I love all potato chips except the salt and vinegar ones.
6. I have eaten a roasted silkworm. And lived.
7. I pray everyday.
8. I am afraid of the dark and sleep with the lights on.
9. I lie about brushing my teeth.
10. I cry during Mastercard commercials. Or any commercial narrated by Morgan Freeman. 

10 Things You May Not Know About Brian: 

1.  I have a phobia for mayonnaise.  It’s more than a dislike thing… I actually don’t like being around it.
2.  My middle name is Richard which is my grandfather’s name, however he goes by the name “Dick”.
3.  I used to be a pretty athletic guy until I got knee surgery and devoted myself to academia and the corporate world.
4.  I’m pretty tall but only when I’m standing up because my height is all in my legs.
5.  I am a bit OCD about any skin imperfections I may have.
6.  My favorite food is Mediterranean style.
7.  I would like to be an entrepreneur and own a business one day.
8.  I am the only person in my family with a graduate degree. 
9.  I am Christian.
10.  There are only about 10 Korean foods I like so far and I am hoping that I will learn to like more (e.g. Kimchi).


  1. Brian, has Gina taken you to Ali Baba on Main Street yet?? If she hasn't, you HAVE to go the next time you come visit!

  2. Of course I've taken him! He loves it! His fave is the chicken kabob dish. YUM!!!!! And so cheap!

  3. I just went for the FIRST time a couple weeks ago. How sad is that?!

    Ali Baba dinner date when Brian's in town? =D

  4. That IS sad! I expected more of you Leelee!

    And yes, Ali Baba double date is definitely a go! They have the BEST hummus!

  5. I need to get a bf so we can have a triple date. JUST for you.. and Ali Baba of course :)
