Thursday, July 7, 2011

Today I don't feel like doing anything.... I just wanna lay in my bed...

Good morning hardworking people of the world!

It's Thursday which means that it's officially the start of my weekend. Woo hoo!

Lesson learned this month: Waking up at 5 am is NOT good for my soul. I will never have a job that requires me to wake up this early. I'm totally tuckered out by 3pm! WTF! My BMR is in the negative numbers now. And all I wanna do is layyyyy....

...... which I'm totally planning on doing today! The weather has been 90's plus lately with overloads of sun so I'm heading out to my school's pool to just veg out poolside. To be completely honest, I'm sure I'll be going down the awesome water slides a few times as well, because it is the BOMB DIGGITY! You end up shooting out of these tubes at insane speeds with your bikini top around your neck and the wedgie of the century but MAN, is it FUN!!!! I eat about a gallon of chlorinated water every time I hit the waters but I'm starting to improve my form as I come out the chute. I used to fly out flailing like a squawking chicken but I'm beginning to hit the waters with more grace. Love being an adult kid.

Ahhhhhh summmerrrrrr. How I love thee.

While I've been walrusing about in bed this morning, I thought about my future plans in terms of work and graduate school. Brian and I have been talking about taking the GREs together and I am keen on getting back into the school world as soon as possible once I've completed about a year of working. I always hear that it's difficult to go back to school once you start making moolah and buying stuff with your moolah and suddenly having payments every month so I'm gonna try to keep myself on track and focused on the greater goal.

Here's the rundown of what I'm hoping my life will look like in for the next 3-5 years:
- Graduate with a BSN in February. Start looking for jobs, study for the NCLEX.
- Take US NCLEX by March. Relocate to Vancouver.
- Take Canadian NCLEX by April. Hopefully get a job.
- Work that job.
- Plan wedding.
- Wed by August.
- Apply to UBC's and UVic's Nurse Practitioner programs by November (I'd prefer UVic since the program is more flexible and tailored to people who want to continue to work part-time).
- Take additional GREs if necessary in October.
- Get accepted somewhere by March 2013.
- Begin 2-3 year program by August 2013.
- Have babies in 2016.

NICE. Have my whole life planned out now! Not too shabby for a lazy day. At least my mind has been put to work!

This weekend is going to be mind-blowing: sleepover tonight with my dearest and darlingest friend Yara, potluck on Friday, major girls' weekend starting early on Saturday morning, and.... 3 papers to write and an exam on Monday. Freakin' A. You can't have the good without the bad.




In my first choice unit -- ICU!

Monday, July 11th, 1pm determines my fate!

Wish me luck! :)