Monday, July 11, 2011

Seriously the most INSANE weekend EVER.

I am STILL exhausted from this weekend.....

But it was TOTALLY WORTH IT. Definitely one of the more craziest weekends of my life. Ever.

So my gf Jenn is a beautiful mother of two. She and her fellow mothers wanted an official Moms Weekend at the Beach and so we had been planning this little getaway for a while.

Babysitters were arranged, days were called out at work, and beachhouse was booked. It was perfect.

I went down expecting a somewhat low key day at the beach with a more mature crowd and evening of simple pleasantries.

Well I ended up getting a lot more.

A lot more drunk than I have ever been in my entire LIFE.


Those who know me know that I. NEVER. DRINK. I hate the taste of alcohol. Absolutely abhor it. Blech. Makes my stomach turn just thinking about it.

So why the sudden change?

Two words. Jello. Shots.

They tasted like heaven.

Here's a pictorial timeline:

All the girls arrive at Jenn's beachouse (Kym is inside breast pumpin'. Seriously.)

Leone brought JELLO SHOTS. They were uh. Mayzing. Main reason why I almost died. There were hot chocolate, red velvet cake, and raspberry lemonade shots. YUM.

This is how hot moms get baby seats out of their pimpin' minivans.

Yummy jello shots on the way to Seacrets.

Final destination!

Happy to be in the nasty ass water.

Here's trouble.

Still feelin' fine.
Whatever this was.... hurt.

A lot.

Andddddd.... I'm gone.

Pulling ourselves together.

Seriously almost upchucked my kidneys out during dinner.

To make a long story short, we were at Seacrets for SEVEN. HOURS. It was insane. And I almost drowned in 3 feet of water. Not my classiest moment but definitely a learning experience. I'm surprised that none of us got sunburned because the sun was scorching.

Oh yeah. And I got super sick towards the end of the day but did. not. puke. Why? Because I was the designated driver. That's why. And I can't puke and drive. I drove and my gf who I won't name puked behind me.

We were all in bed by 9:45pm.

I woke up the next morning at 7:30am, wrote my ten page hypnotherapy paper, went home and studied for my pediatric exam. Got up this morning at 5:30am, studied some more, took the exam at 9am, passed with flying colors.

Like I said.

Awesome weekend. :)

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