Monday, April 30, 2012


Whew! What a busy week! I didn't know how busy the bumlife could become.

So upon my arrival last Sunday I was pleasantly surprised with a warm CANADIAN welcome by the roomies.


Hmm... could this be the one?

I'm going to go with "yes".

Getting inducted.

Officially an honorary Canadian.

First Canadian meal -- Cauliflower Mac and Cheese with Corn on the cob... yummmm....

Welcome to Canada Flan!
Yes. An AWESOME welcome by some AWESOME people!

The rest of the week consisted of lots of Ikea shopping, lots of food shopping, eating, cooking, BIRTHDAYS, and hiking throughout the park in front of our house.

Speaking of hiking through the park.... there's a FILM being made at the park in front of our very eyes. The sequel to THIS movie:

Okay, so I never saw the first one. But still cool nonetheless.
The sequel is called Percy Jackson & and the Sea of Monsters. The actual shooting of footage starts next week so the roomie Jane and I are hoping to sneak over and weasel our way into some scenes. Who wouldn't want our beautiful faces on the big screen? :)

So let's move on to MEET THE ROOMIES!

Doug and Jane, everybody. Everybody, Doug and Jane. 

Arfa!!!!! Their adorable one year old wiggle worm!

Dalton. The gazelle and hiking partner.
 Needless to say, it is a jam-packed, fun, bustling house! Never a dull moment! I appreciate all the company especially since I have no job and virtually no friends (cue song: I'm a loser baby... so why don't you kill me...).

It just happened to be the week of Jane's birthday so we threw a last minute shindig birthday bbq at the pad on Thursday night. It was all fun and games until SOME UNMENTIONED CANINE ATE 9 CUPCAKES, ONE STEAK, AND A PIECE OF CARROT CAKE all under the partygoer's somewhat sober noses. That sneaky rascal!!!! He paid for it dearly though -- the next day's walk produced tons of chocolate batter-like stools. Here are some takes of the nightly shenanigans.

Brian manning the grill with beer in hand.

They coordinate their outfits.

Don't worry folks, that's NON-ALCOHOLIC beer. 

Looking dapper.

Ze birthday girl!

With ladyfriends.

Boys will be boys.

The gals. 
The next day, I found an awesome coupon on Groupon for an hair dying sesh downtown so I chose to dedicate the day to pampering myself and gettin' my summer hair on! What a GLORIOUS pamper sesh it was! 3.5 hours of hair pampering BLISS! Totally worth it! I decided to go with the ombre hair look and Chris-the-fabulously-gay-heavily-German-accented-fresh-20-yr-old hairstylist did a WONDERFUL job at Barbarella. Absolutely VUNDABAR!!!!

Glam. Out the ass. :)

Over the weekend, the roomies went away on a birthday getaway for Jane (lucky ducks!) and Brian and I spent most of Saturday cleaning the house, and eating lots of Korean food. On Sunday morning, we attended a local church service which was nice but the sermon was definitely 30 minutes too long, and then we headed off to another birthday dinner for Brian's old classmates. I had met a lot of them already so it was nice to see old faces again.

Dear's birthday!

Vegan cake.

The ladies.

Plus me.

Annddddd it's Monday again. This week is going to be another one full of tasks and chores. I have to get my tires rotated, study for GREs, study for the CRNE, harass some HR people about hiring an immigrant, book tuxedos, and finalize the appys for the wedding reception. I'm trying to come up with a to-do list everyday of at least three tasks so I don't totally succumb to just melting in my bed everyday.

Time to get off my ass and seize the day!!!!!!

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