Friday, September 30, 2011

Wedding Samples and Quickie Update


I've been working my ass off like CUH-RAYZEE. On top of that, I was sick as a dog all last weekend and continued to work through it all (When I go hard, I go hard.). I'm finally on some antibiotics, feeling better and am still putting in 38 hours at the hospital/CIGNA on top of my full time school schedule. I go to work early in the morning, grab some lunch and head straight to clinicals til 9pm and then I come home and pass the eff out. And do it all over again the next morning at 5:30am. All in the name of a particular dress..... that I SAID YES TO! :D That's right! I found THE ONE! I had a rare afternoon off a week or two ago and on a whim just shimmied myself up to Conshohockon, Pennsylvania and found the dress of my dreams. I had seen it advertised before but wasn't really a fan. I am telling you brides out there: You just don't know until you try it on. SO. FREAKIN. TRUE. I had grabbed this one off the rack with doubts and BAM! Fell in LA-HUV. Butterflies, magical moment, my girlfriend getting teary eyed when the veil was on -- the whole nine yards. It's a bit steep on the price (still way cheaper than I would expected) but I'm still doing the sleazy thing and price shopping at several boutiques. I have not put in my down payment for two reasons: 1) I want to have the money in cold hard cash -- no credit card thus my recent bout of workaholicism and 2) most boutiques will measure you AS IS at the time of down payment. Which I completely understand. But I have every intention of losing 620 pounds so I want to hold back for a few more weeks. Speaking of weight -- I am back on my dieting trend and am shedding pounds again! Woo hoo! It helps that I have two part-time jobs now along with a non stop schedule in general so I barely have enough time to consume any legit calories. It's called the working-yourself-to-death diet. And it works like a charm. :P Anyways in more wedding news, I got some more wedding invitation samples! They are from an Etsy vendor called Beacon Lane and their stuff is adorbs! Here's a little teaser:

Okay, I guess it's not really a teaser because I'm pretty much sure I'm not going to order either of these samples. While I think they're quite cute, I just don't think they capture the "essence" of the wedding. I have a few more samples coming in the beginning of next week and I am SUPER excited about one particular vendor's.... I know! The suspense is killing you guys! Can't wait to finally get the invites out!

Brian just bought his plane ticket out here in November (I told him October would be a crazy one) and I'm excited to take some time off from all this madness and spend some fall times with the lover. I know that he's been feeling pretty neglected with me working like a maniac lately. But he's been keeping pretty busy at work lately (which is good because I told him he should ask for a raise/expect a bonus) so I know he understands. :)

Next week I'll be working most nights til 11:30pm so I'll do my best to at least put some short little posts up during the week. Please forgive me for my lack of bloggerism. I promise things will slow down and I'll be back to my blogging self shortly!

Peace and love.

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