Saturday, September 17, 2011

All work and no play makes Gina a sh*tty blogger...

My deepest apologies. I've been working like a mule because I'm so desperate to start ordering and shipping out invites!

I pretty much hated the sample invites that came in through via Wedding Paper Divas so I've moved on to some Etsy vendors that sell some BEAUTIFUL invitations (at least, that's how they seem online). I've ordered a few samples so hopefully they'll be in my eager little paws sometime next week.

As for my wedding dress search, I tried on some more gowns at Jennifer's Bridal Boutique here in Delaware and really found one Pronovias gown quite stunning. But alas, my heart thinks that it's not the one for a few reasons. Number one: it's totally not a traditional gown (which is what I personally like about it) but I don't think my parents nor Brian would be impressed by it. IN ADDITION. Let's just say feathers are difficult to pull off on a wedding dress. And I'll just leave it at that.

I'm really excited about an upcoming appointment I made at a boutique in Pennsylvania for Tuesday. I think I'll like a lot of the dresses they carry but we'll see when I get there! Keep your fingers crossed!

Okay I know I could blog on about a million more things that are going in my life but quite frankly I am just pooooooooped. I worked a 7am to 3:30pm shift at the hospital and then went straight to Cigna and worked until 8:30pm. So yes. It was a long day. Plus I have a raging headache (which I NEVER EVER get). It hurts to blink. :(

So this little lady is hitting the sack.

Updates to come when I can freakin' catch a break!

1 comment:

  1. Drink plenty of water and catch up on the zzz's, take some Vit C too! u'll be good as new.

    and check this out:

    this bouquet would go well with that feathered gown, wouldn't it ;)
