Monday, November 21, 2011

Hello blogging world!

How I have missed thee.

But there's been significant progress in our wedding planning so I have much to update you on!

THE DRESS HAS BEEN PAID FOR AND ORDERED!!!!! EEEEKKKKK!!!!!! Needless to say I am pretty darned broke at the moment. I was still 4 pounds away from my target goal weight when I ordered the dress last Wednesday but I didn't think it would be too much of a big deal. But. It kinda was. The sample dress they had me try on was technically a size 12 (meaning it was a 6 in real life) and the zipper couldn't make its way up my back for the top two inches, which I thought was fine. Then when the lady measured me, she told me that while my bust and waist were around a 12/14, my hips and thighs were a size TWENTY so they would have to order a size 20. In addition, that was considered el nacho grande so they would have to charge me a bit more money. Um. What? Yeah I don't think so. There's no way in HELL I was a size TWENTY and they better damn well recognize I ain't paying a single cent more for this dress that literally cost enough to feed the entire country of Lithuania. I said that I was never a 20 in my entire life and I planned to lose 100 pounds and I was happy for settling for the size 14 thankyouverymuch. The lady tried to convince me to go bigger but I stood my ground. I can see why the boutique wanted to make sure that the dress ordered was on the bigger side since you can always tailor the dress to be smaller but SIZE TWENTY? That's ridiculous. I think they're banking on making SURE that they get to charge me for some additional tailoring.... But whatevs. Little do they know I got my Korean peeps who run the dry cleaning kingdom who'll be taking care of all my alterations. Stickin it to tha man feels oh so good!!!! ;)

wedding invitations have finally been decided on!!!!! Brian was here last weekend and I dragged him to a few paperias and we sat down and looked through about 300 invitations and we found the magic one! Let me rephrase that: I found the one while Brian begged for me to just pick one already since they all looked the same. I will say the invitation I picked is like 98% me and 2% Brian. All you lucky ones will know what I mean when you get your invitations in Decemeber/ January! :)

The menu proteins have been decided! All the honorable guests will have the option of picking either fish (most likely halibut), beef (possibly sirloin), or vegetarian (which will be either a pasta or noodle dish). Yummy! How exciting is that! Brian and I have booked another tasting in December so I'm happy to see that all these major deets are well underway!

So..... I've hit a diet plateau. I haven't lost any more weight since my last weight loss milestone and Brian's visit didn't help. But! I'm ready to up the ante and add some actual weightlifting and workout sessions into my weeks now that I'm whittling down my shifts at the hospital. I'm hitting the gym tomorrow with Gracey for a heavy duty ass whooping at a fancy shmancy place in her neighborhood. Bring on the pain!

I think I've covered all the major points. I'm trying to brace myself mentally for this week since it's my all time favorite holiday -- Thanksgivingggg!!!! Must. Resist. Seconds. :)

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