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Some days it's me. |
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Some days it's him. |
So I was taking a lookover our blog and I realized something -- I've totally taken over the blog. It's supposed to be a joint endeavor and this blog totally screams "Asian Female with Lots of Opinions and Big Mouth."
I've mentioned this to Brian and he thinks that equal contributions to the blog would somehow compromise his testosterone levels so I decided to find a fun way to incorporate him into today's blog.
I came up with a random ten question survey asking him to answer each question with two responses:
1) How he thought I would answer and,
2) How he personally would answer the question.
I would do the same and we could not read each other's responses until I was ready to post the results. Interesting, right? Let's see how we did:
1. What would your partner's ideal Saturday be like?
Brian's Response: Gina's ideal Saturday would involve sleeping in, eating rice for breakfast, going to the beach to chill with some friends, eating Korean food for dinner (preferably dokk bokki) and then going dancing with some friends at night.
My ideal Saturday would involve sleeping in, eating a big greasy breakfast, going for a hike and having a bbq and beach bon fire after
Gina's Response: Brian's ideal Saturday would probably begin with sleeping until well past noon, eating a typical breakfast of over-medium eggs, whole wheat toast, and a fruit smoothie. He would then opt to do nothing unless I suggested otherwise. He would be perfectly content with sitting at home, eating what was in the cupboard and researching statistics and articles on various cities, environmental phenomena, and financial trends. I would have to state that I wanted to go out and walk the Seawall or go to the beach or the movies or to try a new exotic restaurant. He would 100% agree to do so without too much ado but it would undoubtedly take him twice the amount of time necessary to prepare to leave the house. By the time we would eventually leave the house, the sun would have set and we would only end up walking for a short time/eating a quick meal/watching a movie which Brian would sleep through and come back home in time for Brian to get a workout, make a post-workout smoothie, and get ready for bed. A Perfect Brian Day.
My day would consist of getting up around 10 am, having a quick coffee and a piece of toast, playing a round of tennis or two, getting a tasty lunch at a new restaurant, and having poker night with friends and family over hot wings and pizza.
2. What would be your partner's ideal names for a baby girl / baby boy?
Brian's Response: We have never really settled on anything… hmm… I think I remember Gina saying something like Ava for a girl and we both like Forest for a boy -- although with my last name we agreed it sounds too much like Forest Gump.
I like a lot of names, including Alyssa, Kylie and Faith for girls amongst others, and Forest, Noah and Isaiah for boys. I think some Korean names would be cool too. Like "Bong" which apparently means "mythical bird".
Gina's Response: Brian would totally pick mundane names like "Henry" or "Joseph". For a girl, he likes names like "Catherine" or "Brenda". (No offense to the Henrys, Josephs, Catherines, and Brendas of the world)
I want my children to have names that will empower them and inspire others. I love the name "Skyler" for a boy. It says "Hey, my parents are unique and they have high hopes for me -- they want me to reach for the sky!" For a girl it would be something delicate like... "Porcelain". And we'd call her Lainey for short. :)
3. If your partner was stranded on a desert island and could only take 3 things, what would he/she take and why?
Brian's Response: Gina likes rice, potato chips and me… or kimchi.
I would bring Gina, food and my guitar.
Gina's Response: Brian would bring an atlas, a guitar, and probably some vegetable/fruit seeds in order to grow a crop of food.
I would bring my wifi-enabled computer with never ending batteries, seeds to plant a rice crop, and chopsticks because you can use chopsticks for everything (except eat soup).
4. If your partner could only eat one food for the rest of his/her life, what would it be?
Brian's Response: Rice for Gina, good bread for me.
Gina's Response: Hmm... This one's a toughie. I'm going to say Thai or Greek food for Brian since he eats it so much at work.
I just need rice.
5. Name 3 traits that your partner loves about you.
Brian's Response: Gina likes that I'm honest, consistent/stable, and I take care of her which she loves even though she might pretend otherwise.
I like Gina because she has a magnetic personality (she's funny, easy to talk to, etc.), she's intelligent and has a good heart.
Gina's Response: I think Brian appreciates my free-spirited ways, my wit and humor, and my drive in life.
I love and respect (and envy) Brian's kind heart and patience, organization and tidiness, and ability to cook (Yes, that was way more than three).
6. Name 3 traits that your partner absolutely hates about you.
Brian's Response: I don't "hate" anything, but I dislike that Gina is messy, she burps/farts more than I'd appreciate and she is fairly insensitive at times.
Gina dislikes that I can be forgetful, I talk too much when she would prefer to drop an issue and I don't challenge her enough apparently.
Gina's Response: Brian probably wishes that I was a bit cleaner. He would like it if I maybe held hygiene to a higher priority, and I KNOW that he wishes I would tone down my flatulence.
I guess I could be cleaner, less gassier, and maybe learn to cook a few dishes...
7. If you died, who do you think your partner would date after you?
Brian's Response: This is a ridiculous question and I'm not sure that anyone really wants to answer this type of thing. As for me, it's definitely Gina's best friend. Joking.
Gina's Response: Brian would probably be so heartbroken he would dedicate his life to celibacy and join a Buddhist monastery. Or maybe date another Korean girl since we all look the same. (I kid, I kid)
I, on the other hand, would totally date James Franco or Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Or maybe I will think ahead and have some of Brian's DNA and cells preserved for clonal replication.
8. What is your partner's dream car?
Brian's Response: Gina likes SUVs and unfortunately insanely expensive Range Rovers which are kind of stereotypical rich soccer mom vehicles.
I don't really care about cars that much, but I like Audi's quite a bit. I also really like classic cars like old Cadillacs.
Gina's Response: I could totally see Brian rocking an electric car. Or at least a hybrid of some sort.
I want a pink Hummer.
9. Where do you see you and your partner in 10 years (location, job, # of children, etc.)?
Brian's Response: Gina probably sees us either in in some ridiculously huge house with anywhere between 3-6 children, makings lots of money, driving fancy cars and hopefully living somewhere with lots of sunshine.
I have no idea where we'll end up. I hope that if we achieve all of Gina's goals that we don't have to be completely workaholics to do so. I would like to live either near my parent's or Gina's parents, I have no idea what job I'll work in except that it will be probably something business/real estate related. I'd like to experience living in the US at some point. San Fran? NYC?
Gina's Response: Hmm. In ten years, Brian will be 36 and I think he sees himself doing a job he loves and with a wife who has finally learned to cook and clean. I'm pretty sure Brian wants two kids at the max and probably at least 2 cats. I think ideally, Brian would like to own and operate his own business whether it be in consulting or in financial management. His dream city is Vancouver but I don't think he'd mind owning some property in Hawaii.
I will be 35 and hopefully working either as a Nurse Anesthetist or Family Nurse Practitioner. I want to have four kids but am willing to settle for two. I don't mind where we live as long as it's relatively warm and sunny. I need warmth and sun for the rest of my life!!
10. What do you think your partner wishes you would say or do more often?
Brian's Response: Gina wishes I would remember every minuscule detail of every conversation we've ever had and never forget it. She also wishes I would be more buff and teach her how to do something that she doesn't know how to do.
I wish Gina would admit that she is content with everything she has. I know she is, but I'd like to hear it more often. She's always trying to do more and is a bit too concerned with her image from my perspective.
Gina's Response: I think Brian wishes I would be more willing to talk about our feelings and problems. But he knows that I am pretty stubborn and hate having "talks". He probably also wouldn't mind me being a bit more lovey towards him (But isn't that what Valentine's Day is for?)
I wish Brian would be more agressive in the relationship. He's very respectful but sometimes I think he lets me have my way even when he doesn't entirely agree with my decision. He needs to put me in my place once in a while!
So how did we do? I don't think there were too many major surprises. If you ask me, I think we make a pretty dandy duo. I'm not sure if we would have ended up winning the grand prize on the actual newlywed game show, but who wants to be a boring ol' completely compatible couple anyhow? I'll take my clean and organized Canadian Prince anyday. :)
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Happy together. :) |
Pink Hummer is your new nickname.
ReplyDeleteI'm honored. :)
ReplyDeletehahah i'm sorry, but #6 made me laugh, esp. the part about the flatulence. and #3 where Brian thinks you might pick kimchi over him. hahaha this was too cute
ReplyDeleteI totally own up to my bodily dysfunctions. That's the first step to recovery.