I've only missed one day of blogging and I already have tons of things to write about!
Okay so outcome of Weigh In #2?
<Drum roll>
Absolutely no change. I haven't lost a dadgummed pound. But it's okay. It's better than gaining, right? I will simply take that as more motivation. I need to up my game! I'm ready to bring it!!!
Weekly Fails:
- Lena's cake pops. All three of them. Totally worth it.
- My binge fest the other day on five pounds of rice.
- Over-sampling at the Bridal Expo today (Details to follow)
Honestly, besides that, I can't think of any major failures.... Maybe not exercising everyday? I probably am being way too lenient on myself. I really need to throw in some more daily activity. That'll be my goal for this week. I only exercised three days this past week so I'm going to aim for five. Done.
Alright now let's get to the fun part.
So Lena and I attended the Delaware Upstate Bridal show (My first bridal expo) and it was SO MUCH FUN! I LOVED IT! I'm going to be a total Expo crasher now (Lena and I are already planning on attending another one in Dover in March). It was everything I asked for!
The expo included the following:
- Free food: I'm talking cakes, chocolate covered strawberries, cheesesteaks, crabcakes, scallops, cupcakes, sushi, gelato, candy, pasta, beer. Uh. Mayzing.
- Free stuff/service: magazines, lotions, hair conditioners, pens, photobooth printouts, manicures (on one finger), massages, make-overs, hairstylings.
- Bridal Fashion Show: I wasn't really blown away by any of the dresses but it was entertaining and some of the audience members were getting pretty touchy-feely with the male runway models. Let's just say that single dollar bill transactions did occur. Yes. This show was for mature audiences only.
- At-the-door-prizes: BOTH Lena and I won something! Lena won a free photo montage (where the photographer compiles a slideshow of the bride and groom's pictures from childhood to present time) and I won a free 20x24 photo! Woo hoo! I wouldn't have minded winning the free Apple Vacation Package but I was satisfied with just getting my name called. :)
Pictures from the show:
The Bridal Fashion Show |
This one has pockets! |
Bridesmaid dress. |
Lots of chiffon. |
One of my faves. |
Photobooth fun. I'm definitely having one of these at my wedding. |
Just some of the things from the expo. |
My single-fingered manicure. |
Pretty cool. It was like wallpaper for your nails. Nailpaper. |
After the show, Lena and I headed for my Wedding Dress Try-on session 3 at David's Bridal to scope out the Vera Wang collection.
Love. Love. Love.
For any bride out there looking for a high-fashion, high quality dress for a tight budget, the White Collection is the way to go. It's totally legit Vera Wang. I tried on three dresses total: the first was Oleg Cassini and the last two were Vera. The Cassini was okay but honestly, I was just there for the Veras. And they were Uh. Mayzing.
The first one was totally me. I died. I absolutely died. And then I tried the second Vera. I redied. They were totally different dresses and I loved both for different reasons. I told the staff (Who were fantabulous by the way, thank you Tricia and Gay Bob!) that I'd have to return with my mother who will be a major deciding factor. I love dress try-ons.
For your viewing pleasure, I am including a couple of pictures of my dressing room shananigans.
This dress was SO BIG I could sit on it! I was sitting on a dress cloud. :) |
So much material! Believe it or not, there is a bridal consultant hiding underneath all that tulle. :) |
What a great weekend! Can't wait for the next Bridal expo!