So Brian and I got into a car accident yesterday.
Everybody was fine and Brian's car is still drivable. The other driver's car however, is not. Thank the lord that we're 120% sure it wasn't our fault. It seems as if the other driver had either not stopped at her stop sign or proceeded to drive through after failing to see us. We T-boned the back side of her Jeep and her car spun almost 180 degrees. Scary stuff.
Seriously though. We were just trying to pick up some dinner and eat it at the park, have a nice quiet walk and watch the sunset. Sigh. Life is so full of surprises.
So after getting out and making sure everyone was okay, we went through the painful task of exchanging information, getting witnesses' information, calling the insurance company, and making sure the other driver had a tow truck on the way. Is it effed up that 40 minutes into the accident and waiting for the tow truck to arrive, all I could think about was how my Ma Po Tofu was getting cold??? Not even a car accident can stifle this hungry beast.
Anyways, here's some of the evidence to be turned in.
The damage to Brian's car. Right light, bumper, and hood. |
That silver Jeep was the car we hit. |
The intersection of 16th and Columbia. |
The damage to the other driver's car. Well it turns out that it's not her car, it's her boyfriend's. Ouch. |
My Mona Lisa of an explanation drawing. Brian chose to spill some clementine juice onto my masterpiece. |
Anyways. Nobody was seriously injured so thank the Lord for that. We came home a bit stiff and sore but no major complaints. I was able to get my Ma Po (still hot!) and Brian enjoyed his chicken shwarma. But of course the night can't end without another surprise. During dinner, we had a little visitor.
EEEEEKKK!!!!!!!!! Brian and I HATE spideys!!!!!!!! |
That thing was seriously on steroids. It was like a spider terminator or something. The size of my freakin' hand! Ew ew EWWWW!!!!! Brian summoned up every ounce of courage in his 6' 4 frame and managed to transport the spider at least 100 feet away from the front of our door. My hero!
This morning Brian and I were still feeling a bit rough from the collision so we went to a health clinic just to make sure we weren't dying. Fabulous, isn't it? My second visit to the doctor in a week! The doctor wrote us both a referral to a physiotherapist and suggested that we keep our bodies moving and to avoid sitting in front of a computer. As I am doing. This very moment. Brian was instructed to make sure that he gets up and walks around away from his desk every thirty minutes. In addition to all these, the doctor strongly recommended swimming sessions which I am all for! So once Brian is able to pry himself away from his workphone and computer (He's working from home today), maybe I can convince him to go for a swim today! My poor neck and shoulders could definitely use it!
Insomnia update:
So I thought my sleep disorder was getting better until last night. My eyes flew open at exactly 3:00 am. I know this because the red lights of the clock were the first things I saw when I opened my eyes. Freaking A. I am exhausted as all hell and I just can't keep still again. My legs and hips just cannot get comfortable! It was another long ass night. I was finally able to fall back asleep around 6 am but we got up at 7 and I was sore, tired, cranky, and just plain miserable. I think I'm going to consider taking the melatonin everyone's been recommending. Brian swears by it so I'm going to give it a try tonight. I can't deal with another night of restlessness. I seriously feel as if I'm going insane! AGHH!!
Anyways, I'm gonna get myself back on the road to recovery by getting off this thing and getting my ass movin'.
Excited for my weekend on the Island! :D